Ernest (Ernie) Belyea
Prior to joining Canadian Green Fund, Ernie was recognized as one of the leading Energy-Corporate lawyers in Canada. His practice was primarily in the energy/electricity area in the structuring, financing, development, and acquisition of independent power projects and electrical utilities.
Ernie’s has over 32 years of legal experience focused in the corporate and energy sectors. He was recently a senior partner with a leading Canadian international law firm, Senior Corporate Counsel of the Ontario Power Authority (now the IESO), and, prior to joining the OPA, he was a partner of another major Canadian law firm with practice specialties in project finance, securitization, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate commercial transactions.
While at the OPA, Ernie was responsible for managing the legal issues arising with most of the OPA's major initiatives including: power procurements (GTA West, CHP I, Portlands, Northern York Region, CHP II, RES II and proposed CHP III), demand response programs (York DR, the DR Programs 1, 2 and 3), Electricity sector development initiatives (including the 2 power auctions in 2006 of approximately $1 billion in electricity products), LSE initiatives, pilot Heat Rate Contracts and numerous CDM program delivery contracts including the original LDC CDM Master agreement and schedules, BOMA initiatives and independent initiatives with municipalities and local distribution companies.
Ernie has been an active member of the OEA, APPrO, OEN, CANWEA, CANSIA and OWA. He was an alternate member of CANWEA’s steering committee to analyze and respond to the OPA's Feed-In-Tariff Program and was a member of the OEA's Energy Markets Committee and Green Energy and Conservation Committee. Ernie has been a director of numerous entities include OSEA. Ernie has contributed as a columnist to Canadian Energy Managers Magazine and also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies.