A few notes about Privacy.

This informs you of Canadian Green Fund and its affiliates’ policies on privacy and the steps we take to ensure the protection of your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information. Canadian Green Fund is guided and governed by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), which regulates the private sector’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information.
Canadian Green Fund takes its commitment to the privacy of information seriously. In doing so, it adheres to these 10 principles:
1. Accountability: We are responsible for personal information under our control. We have designated individuals who are responsible for monitoring our ongoing compliance with the Privacy Principles.
2. Identifying purposes: The purposes, for which personal information is collected, will be identified by us, or through our, or your, authorized representatives.
3. Consent: Your consent is required for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, subject to certain exceptions. Such exceptions are set out in the law and include where legal, medical or security reasons make it impossible, or impractical, to seek consent. Your consent may be expressed in writing. It may also be given verbally, electronically, or through our, or your, authorized representatives. In certain circumstances, it may also be implied or inferred from certain actions.
4. Online collection: When you send us an e-mail, we learn your exact e-mail address as well as any other information you may have included in the e-mail. While we may use your e-mail address to reply to you, we do not make your e-mail address known to anyone outside Canadian Green Fund. We may also send certain required information to you via e-mail if you have requested that we do so. At any time you can tell us to stop sending information to you by e-mail. Please keep in mind that information sent via e-mail is generally unencrypted. Please do not send us sensitive or confidential information via e-mail.
5. Limiting collection, use, disclosure and retention: The collection of your personal information must be by fair and lawful means, and be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified. Your personal information may only be used or disclosed for the purposes for which it was collected, other purposes you consent to, or as required or permitted by law. It may only be kept for as long as is necessary to satisfy the purposes for which it was collected, or as required or permitted by law.
6. Accuracy: Any personal information that is collected, used or disclosed should be as accurate, complete and as up-to-date as is necessary for the purpose for which it is to be used.
7. Safeguards: Personal information shall be protected by security safeguards that are appropriate to the sensitivity of the information, in order to protect your personal information from unwarranted intrusion, release or misuse.
8. Openness: Information about our privacy policies and practices for managing your personal information shall be made available to you.
9. Individual access: Upon written request, you will be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of your personal information and you will be given access to it, subject to certain exceptions, as permitted by law. You may also verify the accuracy and completeness of your information, and request that it be amended, if appropriate.
10. Inquiries and concerns: You may contact us if you have any inquiries or concerns about our privacy policies and practices.
The Information we Collect
Personal information is information that refers to you, specifically. When we begin our relationship with you, we will tell you the purposes for which we need the personal information we collect. We will use fair and lawful means to collect your personal information. We will only collect information that is pertinent and consistent with the purposes of the collection. Whenever practical, we will collect the required information directly from you, or from your authorized representative(s), in completed applications and forms, through other means of correspondence, such as the telephone, mail or the Internet, and through your business dealings with us. In some cases, and with your consent, we may need to ask an independent source to verify or provide supplemental information. These sources could include service providers we retain, financial institutions, your employer or credit reporting agencies.
What we Need to Know and Why
We collect information from you and about you, only with your consent, or as required or permitted by law. Generally, we collect, use and disclose your personal information to:
Confirm your identity, and to protect both you and us against errors, fraud or other misrepresentations;
Evaluate any proposal you may wish to make to us;
Determine the suitability of any proposal in light of our investment parameters;
Properly administer the services we provide; and,
Comply with a variety of legal requirements, including any tax reporting obligations under the federal Income Tax Act.
We will only keep your personal information in our records for as long as it is needed to fulfill the identified purposes, or as required or permitted by law. Personal information that is no longer required will be destroyed, erased or made anonymous.
Your information will only be provided to:
Our employees, agents and representatives, who need the information in the performance of their duties for us;
Our affiliates, to the extent that they need to know such information in order for us to provide services to you;
Service providers, who need the information in the performance of their duties for us, and to satisfy their obligations to us;
Any person or organization to whom you gave consent;
Anyone who is otherwise authorized by law; and
Any regulatory body having authority to request such information from us.
Accessing and Amending Your Information
We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that any personal information we collect and keep is as accurate, complete and as up-to-date as required for the identified purposes. To do so, we will rely on you to provide us with accurate information and to inform us of changes, such as changes in your contact information. Under Canadian Privacy law you have the right to access and verify your personal information maintained in our files, and to request that any factually inaccurate personal information be corrected, if appropriate. If we receive a request to release your personal information, we will only do so upon satisfactory identification and proof of entitlement of the requestor, or as required or permitted by law.
Should you wish to inquire about the personal information about you we maintain, or about any other matter relating to our privacy policies, please contact the Privacy Officer of the Canadian Green Fund's Manager using the online message form provided below, or telephone 1.416.860.6220 for assistance, or write to:
Privacy Officer
Canadian Green Fund Inc.
The Exchange Tower
130 King Street West
Suite 1800
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5X 1E3